
The International People’s College – IPC – a folk high school in Denmark

IPC  is a unique Danish international folk high school located in Elsinore, north of Copenhagen. We are a multicultural and inclusive non-formal residential school, where adults from all over the world come to live, study, and grow together. We offer long courses in global studies lasting four to six months, as well as short courses lasting one to three weeks.

At IPC we educate global minds to become responsible global citizens, who take active part in the world and their local community. Unlike other folk high schools in Denmark, our common language on campus is English. With students from all corners of the world, IPC represents a melting pot of cultures and experiences. Here, you don’t just attend school — you meet the world.

Former students about IPC

Where are students at IPC from and what do they say about their ‘IPC experience’?




What is a Folk High School?

A Folk High School is a special type of school with a focus on personal and educational development. There are no fixed curriculums and no grades are given. You decide what kind of subjects and classes you want, and you are taught by teachers who love what they do.

A term at a Folk High School often gives students new energy in pursuing their further carriers, since they are more clear about what they want in life. More than that students often get friends for life.


Frequently asked questions


The Path to Peace and Security - Seminar




Guest Teacher at IPC



The most part of the classes at International People’s College has a global focus – meaning that you learn about the world some way or the other by taking part in the class. We have regional classes, international studies, and a lot of different classes in relation with our core values at the school. More than that we offer creative classes, sports classes, and different classes of interest. We offer nearly 40 different subjects and classes which you can pick and choose from. View the alphabetical list here.



What is a Danish Folk High School?

A Folk High School is a non-formal residential school offering learning opportunities in different subject. Most students are between 18 – 24 years old and the length of a typical stay is 4 – 6 months. In Denmark we have a long Folk High School tradition – the first school was founded in 1844.

What is an international Folk High School?

More and more international students attend the Danish Folk High Schools, but what classifies an international Folk High School is that the school has more international than Danish students and that everything at the school happens in English language. International People’s College is the only international ‘general’ Folk High School in Denmark.


Global Studies

Global studies are the main focus at IPC – read more about our approach to learning here.


Core Values

At International People’s College we bring people from around the world together to live, love and learn from each other. We have followed this formula for 100 years.

We have six different core values which we live by at International People’s College – both when it comes to our educational aims, but also in the everyday life at campus.


IPC -Value Heart

Danish Language Course

Study Danish language and experience Denmark – Summer or Winter


English Language Course

Study English language and experience Denmark – Summer or Winter


Dates & Prices

Get an overview here…


Language Courses at a Folk High School

We offer different courses at International People´s College – mainly the Danish Language, Culture and Society Course and the English Language, Danish Culture and Society Course, but sometimes we also have small one-week courses on offer – i.e. the former Shakespeare Course or the LBGTQIA+ and Human Rights Course in 2021.

Danish Language School

In the winter- or summertime we offer a two or three-week long Danish Language Course with classes optimized to all levels. At the course you also learn about the Danish Culture and Society and you go on excursions in Denmark. At International People’s College we have hosted Danish summer language courses for more than 30 years.

English Language School

The English Language Course is an intensive two or three-week course where you will improve your English Language skills while experiencing Denmark. With our unique mixture of English language classes and introductions to key aspects of Danish culture and society we offer a unique framework for anyone interested in Denmark and the English language.

Den danske sangskat

Et kortkursus til sommer

/A short course in Danish language

Læs mere

Om lidt er kaffen klar…

Et kortkursus til sommer

/A short course in Danish language

Læs mere


If you have ten minutes to kill, then why not check out these facts about IPC?

Read our brochure here

Benefits of studying abroad

Studying aboard is a challenge that comes with many benefits. When studying in another country you get the opportunity to start from fresh and to rethink your life choices. You will learn new things and experience another culture which will wider your horizon. Read more about 25 reasons to study abroad here.

Why study abroad at International People’s College?

At International People’s College you get the opportunity to learn a completely new way of studying – a way that’s fun and engaging where you don’t have to worry about exams and grades but can enjoy learning. Furthermore, you experience – not only one – but many different cultures from all over the world.

Study program abroad – at International People’s College

At International People’s College we offer a wide range of different classes to choose from. You get the chance to try out different subjects and find out what you are interested in. More than that you get to practice your English language skills, since everything at the school happens in English language.


Any Questions?

Please don’t hesitate to contact ipc@ipc.dk if you have any questions.

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Want to know more – Check this out:

Global Studies

About IPC

What is a Danish Folk High School?

International People's College is located in the beautiful seaside town of Elsinore (Helsingør), made famous in Shakespeare's play 'Hamlet'.

International Peoples College

Have a look at the day-to-day life of a Folk High School in Denmark on our Instagram @internationalpeoplescollege


International People’s College
Montebello Allé 1
3000 Helsingør
CVR: 23253410
EAN: 5790002651410

+45 49 21 33 61

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