
How to choose your Classes

The Folk High School Classes at International People’s College vary and you can choose them for yourself and put together your own schedule. Your main interest might be academic and therefore your classes may mainly consist of courses like Development Studies, Global Challenges, Political Philosophy, etc. You may also be interested in music and some of your classes might be Band Playing and Choir. Or vice versa. The important thing is, you can pick and choose between a wide range of classes like arts, sports, self development, political science, gender studies, etc. At International People’s College we believe that knowledge is many things and that it is acquired in many different ways. This is reflected in offering a wide selection of Folk High School Classes ranging from those having an academic focus to a practical one – all with a Global Studies as a headline.

During the first week of your term you will be introduced to the classes offered from which you will put together your own schedule. 2-4 classes will be offered in the same time sloth so you will have to choose between them to create your time table. It can be very frustrating if your favourite subjects are on offer at the same time sloth and you like that will have to choose between them, but no matter what you will get the chance to create a time table that interest you. If you are attending a whole term (24 or 18 weeks) you will get the opportunity to change your schedule halfway through and pick new Folk High School classes. Every student must reach a minimum of 28 lessons a week – but trust us, the biggest problem will be which classes to eliminate. View examples of students timetables here or watch the movie below.

It is important to notice that classes offered may change from term to term according to the teachers and students at International People’s College. In general all classes listed underneath will be on offer, but sometimes classes are replaced and therefore you can not totally rely on one certain class as a motivation to come to International People’s College. You should be interested in the Folk High School as a whole if you apply. Furthermore you need to have basic English language skills to participate in classes and engage with the fellow students at campus.​

List of Classes


Film: Subjects and Classes



International People’s College
Montebello Allé 1
3000 Helsingør
CVR: 23253410
EAN: 5790002651410

+45 49 21 33 61

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