Teachers: Mette Skamris and Gertrud Tinning
Lessons: 8 lessons/ week
Every choice you make are part of shaping the future for you, your friend and the generations to come. Do you want to be part of the big global transition that is ahead of us, if humanity is to survive?
Climate change, destroyed biodiversity, bees dying and politicians not reacting! It is time to stop feeling overwhelmed by all the challenges, but to understand and face them! Action is needed.
Understand the global capitalist system, and what are the consequences of the in – build economic growth in capitalism? And how is this reflected in the global environmental state of the globe? How is the growing global inequality a barrier to the big green transition.
We will discuss what we eat and explore the economic and political structures behind the production of our food. Such as how multinational corporations have monopoly on large parts on our basic food, gene – modified crops, use of pesticides, human and animal health implications. Conventional agriculture versus holistic agriculture.
We will furthermore discuss fashion, textile production and our consumption.
Thought out the course we will explore different methods to create change, keep us up-dated on present development, what are the effective trends?
Method: Discussions, films, research, mapping, expert interviews, lectures and actions.