Teacher(s): Gertrud Tinning & Mette Skamris
Lessons: 8 /week
The crisis of biodiversity and climate are existential and the biggest of our time. In One with Nature, we will work with the forces of collective joy, action and civic engagement and seek to start with changing the local realities to give hope to leading the path to global transition.
The One with Nature project is a collaboration between International People’s College in Denmark and Fircroft College in the UK. The project will be part of People’s Future Lab, which is an active network of progressive Folk High Schools and likeminded institutions across the globe, who are all engaging in Sustainable transition of societies. Our partner Fircroft College will work with Friends of the Earth UK. We will share our experiences and lessons learned across countries and in our global network.
The Project is primarily about changing the local realities: specifically creating a living experiment by creating a Nature hub at the local Nature Center Nyruphus. We will be part of creating a biodiversity hub, which will make it easier for people to explore and learn about the importance of biodiversity and how we can be a part of the needed transition.
Action learning, and local engagement: Moving from the Individual to the civil society. By helping with local change, we believe that we can learn important lessons in relation to getting from idea to reality. We will collaborate with young, disadvantaged people and local biologists, so we will be contributing to both social and environmental benefits.
As a student of this project, you will be invited on a journey where we will learn from other thinkers, feelers and doers and explore how transition of societies is related to connections of:
Three stages:
Stage 1 – Biodiversity/gardening project
Stage 2 – Trip to sustainability project in Denmark (2 – 3 days trip)
Stage 3 – How to design and implement a campaign – Engagement in Civil Society