
Information to former IPC students who would like to visit IPC

We love when former students visit IPC!

If you visit IPC as a guest of a current student, kindly ask the host student to follow the current guest policy and booking procedure.

If you are not being hosted by a current student at IPC, kindly reach out to the Administration at ipc@ipc.dk and check for availability, and then they will assist with the booking and payment.

As a visitor, you can join meals in the IPC Dinning Hall. Lunch and dinner are 50 DKK per person. Brunch is 75 DKK per person. You can stay on campus until 22:00h Monday to Thursday. On Friday and Saturday, you can stay on campus until 23:00h. On Sunday you need to leave the IPC campus no later than 19:00h.

Visitors can stay overnight at IPC from Thursday afternoon until Sunday at 19.00h. This means you cannot stay over on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Please also note that we do not accept overnight visitors the first and the last week of any course. The price for an overnight stay at IPC is 250 DKK per night, including meals and bedlinen. The price is non-negotiable, even if you are not planning on eating all your meals at IPC.

There is an upper limit to how many former students can visit IPC at the same time, and some weekends are more booked than others. We thank you in advance for understanding our limitations in terms of whether a visit to the school is possible or not.

With this, IPC welcomes you back to IPC, and wishes you a fantastic stay and a magical trip down memory lane!

Reunion Weekend


IPC Alumni



International People’s College
Montebello Allé 1
3000 Helsingør
CVR: 23253410
EAN: 5790002651410

+45 49 21 33 61

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