
Event: Art vernissage

22 March 2019

During the Alternative Weeks students who are in the Art and Culture project have decorated the European Corridor at IPC. Friday the 22nd of March they want to show their work and everybody is invited! The vernissage begins at 12.00 and ends at 12.45. The responsible teachers will make a toast and a small glass of bobles will be served.

Before the work started, the students who are in the Arts and Culture project have interviewed a European person about what that person likes about Europe and what images, colours, and shapes we think about in relation to Europe. The students have worked with methods of perspective drawing, portraits, and clay reliefs. In the corridor we will see references to old and modern European art, landscapes, portraits, but the students have also included part and present political references and references to different artists, such as Picasso, Edward Munch, Banksy, Vermeer, and many more.


International People’s College
Montebello Allé 1
3000 Helsingør
CVR: 23253410
EAN: 5790002651410

+45 49 21 33 61

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