
Event: Spring Term 2020 begins

09 January 2020

100 students from the entire world will arrive at IPC

International People’s College was founded in the wake of World War l by Peter Manniche with the belief that world peace is created through understanding. If people from around the world got to know each other better they would discover that they held in common their basic human goodness. With this knowledge people could love and help each other. Nearly a century later this same idea drives us and is the basis of the work of our Folk High School in Denmark. By bringing people together from different cultures to study, socialize and live together we strive to create tolerant global citizens. Difference enriches our lives and expands our horizons. It helps us see the world in a new and inspiring light. International People’s College is a melting pot where you may discover your best friend is from a place you barely knew of!

Read more about the history of International People’s College here and our core values here.

Read more about Paul who biked all the way to IPC from France here.


International People’s College
Montebello Allé 1
3000 Helsingør
CVR: 23253410
EAN: 5790002651410

+45 49 21 33 61

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