Alumni Global Community: The worldwide IPC family - keeping the IPC spirit alive!

Alumni Global Community

International People’s College Alumni, formerly known as the International People’s College Student Union, has a long history dating back to the early days of the college. The main aim of The International People’s College Alumni is to connect former and present students and promote dialogue during and after their stay at International People’s College, as well as facilitating common activities with our Folk High School and hereby spreading knowledge about the school and the network that it creates.

“As I see it, what makes International People’s College a unique Folk High School is not only that we are people from the entire world. It is the network we have created across terms. No other Folk High School have managed that.”

(Rasmus Fregerslev, student spring term 2017)

The International People’s College Alumni’s main responsibilities are to keep connection between the students and our Folk High School in Denmark, to re-create, maintain and develop a lasting dialogue between cultures across borders.

This again to maintain peace and limit prejudices, racism and assimilation, and have a common community sharing memories and activities that happened at the International People’s College. By doing so it is made possible to expand the International People’s College spirit outside of the school to networks beyond and hopefully establish fertile grounds for common projects.

Any course participant, International People’s College Visitor or resident for at least 1 week can become an International People’s College Alumni Member. Permanent membership is gained by payment of 200 DKK, whereof 100 DKK will go directly to funding Alumni scholarships, and 100 DKK will go to The Alumni itself.

The general assembly of the Alumni is the highest authority. The Ordinary general assembly is held every year at The International People’s College coinciding with the Reunion Weekend. Should the Reunion Weekend not take place, it is held before the end of December.


About the IPC Alumni Board

Who are we?

The IPC alumni board is composed of 7 primary members, and 2 sub members. The alumni are comprised of former students, who still want to have an active connection to our Folk High School in Denmark. What roles are there on the board:

  • Chairperson
  • Assistant Chairperson
  • Treasurer
  • 4 Active members
  • 2 Substitute members
  • Accountant
  • Assistant Accountant
  • Senior Advisors

For more information on the members of the current board please visit www.ipcalumni.dk.

What do we do?

The Alumni board is tasked with projects designed to connect and promote IPC amongst former students. Some examples of our projects are;

  • The Annual IPC Reunion Weekend at IPC where former students can meet.
  • IPC Alumni World – making local IPC networks across the world for former students.
  • IPC Summer Camp – (shared project)
  • Other activities creating a global network of Alumni.

For more information on all of IPC Alumni activities please visit www.ipcalumni.dk

Our main goal however is to promote constructive dialogue between former students and our Folk High School in Denmark. For more information on these projects and other undertakings, you can see our progress on facebook.

Want more Information?

For more information regarding the IPC Alumni, you can contact us on our facebook page (facebook.com/IPCAlumni) or through e-mail (alumni@ipc.dk). We also have a lively IPC Alumni Group (facebook.com/groups/IPC.Alumni). If you would like to meet in person and chat or find out more, then don’t hesitate to contact us! Contact the IPC Alumni Board at alumni@ipc.dk or read more at www.ipcalumni.dk.

Join us on Facebook!

Reunion Weekend

The Reunion Weekend is all about getting together once again and relive the spirit and family of International People’s College


Summer Camp

The Alumni summer camp is all about re-experiencing the spirit of IPC through an intense week of activities for free.



International People’s College
Montebello Allé 1
3000 Helsingør
CVR: 23253410
EAN: 5790002651410

+45 49 21 33 61

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