Danish language summer course in Denmark

Sign up here and get a phrasebook so you can get by in English language.

If English is not your first language it can be useful to have a phrasebook at hand when you want to communicate in English language. Get one here.


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When you sign up, we will send you a phrasebook and you will also receive newsletters with special offers for our English Language, Danish Culture and Society Course at International People’s College. You can unsubscribe at any time!
Danish language summer course in Denmark

Summer School: English Language, Danish Culture and Society

In the summer International People’s College welcome students who want to combine intensive English language learning with the discovery of various aspects of Danish culture and society through workshops, lectures, excursions and lots of other fun activities! We have hosted English summer language courses for more than 30 years and offer a unique framework for learning English language while experiencing Denmark.

English language summer course in Denmark
  • Three intensive weeks with 56 language lessons
  • Language classes optimised to all levels (from beginners to university level)
  • Only 8-12 students in each language class
  • Experience Denmark together with students from all over the world
  • Meet locals and understand the Danish culture
  • Less than 600 DKK per day – everthing included (excursions, meals, lessons, room etc.)
IPC - International People's College facilities at night - a folk high school in Denmark

At International People’s College we have hosted Danish summer language courses for more than 30 years. With our unique mixture of language classes optimised to all levels (from beginners to university level) and introductions to key aspects of Danish culture and society we offer a unique framework for anyone interested in Denmark and the Danes. Read more here.


Don’t forget to sign up here and receive a phrasebook so you can get by in English Language. 

CTA – knap 


International People’s College
Montebello Allé 1
3000 Helsingør
CVR: 23253410
EAN: 5790002651410

+45 49 21 33 61

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