
Dining with a Dane

Every term all students at IPC are invited to local homes in and around Elsinore for dinner at the event Dining with a Dane. 3-4 students go together and meet up with local Danes to learn about Denmark and see Danish homes, while the local hosts learn about other parts of the world. It is a cultural exchange during a cozy dinner. Students are very grateful to come out and experience ‘the real’ Denmark and talk to local Danes. It offers them a unique chance to understand the Danish customs. Read this article about Dining with a Dane from a student’s perspective – made by former student, Viet Tran from Vietnam.

Cultural Exchange – a way of creating world peace

IPC was founded over 100 years ago with the belief that bringing people together from different nations and backgrounds to study and live together in the spirit of a Danish Folk High School fosters understanding of each other’s differences. Through this, a deeper understanding can emerge, and nations can learn to appreciate diversity rather than bewar each other. Cultural exchange thus becomes a pathway to nothing less than world peace. In essence, while enjoying a meal and sharing stories and cultural knowledge, peace is cultivated. There’s every reason to become a host, wouldn’t you agree?

Sign up as a host

To sign up as a host family and meet the world please contact elsinoreexchange@ipc.dk

Student Article about Dining with a Dane


History of IPC



International People’s College
Montebello Allé 1
3000 Helsingør
CVR: 23253410
EAN: 5790002651410

+45 49 21 33 61

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