
Documentaries & Discussions

Teacher(s): Susan Nyatanga 

Lessons: 4/week

Several documentaries are available online today and we tend to watch these without digging deeper or questioning the reasoning behind. In the Folk High School Documentaries and Discussions class, we will watch selected documentaries and together – discuss, debate, reflect on issues and themes brought out in these different documentaries.

By visualising the different lifestyles, challenges and cultures, documentaries can provoke feelings and appeal to one’s emotional intelligence. In addition, students will be challenged to question the motive behind the documentaries and to improve on their critical thinking and reflections.

This Folk High School Class will pay special attention on the themes of Democracy, Peace, Social Justice, Equality, Human Rights, climate change amongst others. Students are encouraged to suggest documentaries that the whole class can analyse.

How do we do it? 

Assessing, understanding, reflecting, reacting, and criticizing research findings as well as documentaries linked to topic under discussion

Requirement: This class relies on your auditory and visual senses, and in addition requires students to engage in general discussions.  Students should be reflective, questioning and be willing to share opinions and experiences, are active and participate in class as well as appreciate diversity and other people’s ways of approaching life.

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Global Studies

Global Studies are the main focus at International People’s College in Denmark. We focus on cultural education, cultural meetings and global development.



International People’s College
Montebello Allé 1
3000 Helsingør
CVR: 23253410
EAN: 5790002651410

+45 49 21 33 61

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