Located in Denmark, in beautiful Elsinore
– city of Shakespeare’s Hamlet

Helsingør aka Elsinore

International People’s College is a miniature world and you will undoubtedly feel at home given the diversity of people who gather here. However, it would be a shame not to explore a bit beyond this “global village” in the middle of the Danish region Nordsjælland (North Zealand). Let us tell you about some of the highlights that are within easy reach from International People’s College.

International People’s College is located on Montebello Allé 1-9 in Helsingør (known in English as Elsinore), not far from the Danish capital Copenhagen.


IPC - allotment near International People's College

Walking Distance

You can start by simply walking around the International People’s College campus – venture on a path around our artificial lake that was once used to extract clay. You can also visit the bees in the beehives that are located close to the principal’s house. Not far from International People’s College an allotment, a garden colony, which is a very typical Danish phenomenon. People who want to combine city life with a touch of the countryside often buy a small plot of land with a small cabin where they might even stay overnight at weekends, grow vegetables, and plant flowers.

Also within walking distance, you can visit the Kingo Houses (Kingohusene) designed in the late 1950s by the world-renowned Danish architect Jørn Utzon (who designed the famous Opera House in Sydney). Sometimes we organize guided tours where residents of the houses welcome our students in their homes.
You can easily reach downtown Helsingør either on foot or by bicycle, a town of incredible charm and coziness, often visited by tourists from around the world to see Kronborg, the castle made famous in William Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet”. Be sure to enter some of the old courtyards downtown – you will be amazed by the picturesque look and homey atmosphere.

IPC - forest near International People's College

Bicycle Trips

Some of the cycling musts of the region are the beaches along the coast near Helsingør – be it Espergærde, Snekkersten, Hellebæk or Hornbæk, you shouldn’t miss out on the opportunity to spend a relaxing Saturday afternoon sunbathing and swimming in the refreshing sea.

All our Folk High School students tend to fall in love with Louisiana Museum of Modern Art located in Humlebæk, which can be reached by bicycle from Helsingør. This unique place combines the natural beauty of a seaside hill with the magic of older and modern architecture, making it one of those museums that feel like home – you might never get enough of it. International People’s College students visiting Louisiana in organized groups may enter for free.

If you like nature there’s no easier thing than to hop on a bike and pedal on one of the lovely bike paths towards a large area with forests, lakes, small farms with horses and sheep, golf courses, occasional cafés, and ice cream shops. The beautiful old mill, Hammermøllen, is also a nice spot for a Sunday cup of coffee and good home-made cake or a picnic brought from our Folk High School. (Photo by student Hadas Tal, Spring Term 2018)


IPC - frederiksborg-castle-in Hillerød- not-far-from-International-People's College

Train Rides

Helsingør is an important station on three different train routes and each one of them is worth exploring. The first obvious choice is to hop on a train and within 40 minutes get off in the heart of Copenhagen with its broad cultural, shopping and entertainment offer.

The second possibility is to take the small train along the northern coast all the way to the fishing village of Gilleleje and back. The train passes partially near the seaside but also goes through the forests and fields of Nordsjælland.

The third possibility is to take the small train inland to a town called Hillerød, which is home to one of the most beautiful and famous castles of Denmark, Frederiksborg. Give yourself a good half a day for the visit of not only the interiors but also the castle gardens and the town. Half-way between Hillerød and Helsingør you can also visit the Fredensborg palace and gardens, which is the spring and autumn residence of the Danish Royal Family.

IPC - ferry to helsingborg from helsingør

Ferry Rides

Living at International People’s College enables you to eat breakfast in Denmark and lunch in Sweeden. In Downtown Helsingør there’s a chance to catch a ferry and within twenty minutes you’ll find yourself in our sister town on the Swedish side of the Øresund (The Sound), Helsingborg. There you can explore the Dunkers Cultural Center or walk up to the Kärnan, a tall brick medieval tower with a splendid view all the way to Denmark. And if you are up for a sports challenge, bring along your bike on the ferry and cycle all the way to Kullaberg, a breathtakingly beautiful natural reserve situated on a peninsula about 25 km north of Helsingborg.

Global Studies

Global Studies are the main focus at International People’s College in Denmark. We focus on cultural education, cultural meetings and global development.


Overview of Classes

We offer nearly 40 different subjects and classes. View the alphabetical list here.



International People’s College
Montebello Allé 1
3000 Helsingør
CVR: 23253410
EAN: 5790002651410

+45 49 21 33 61

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