
Event: English Language Summer Course

25 July 2019

Study English in Denmark

Every summer International People’s College welcome students from all over the world for an intensive three-week course combining English language instruction at all levels, workshops, lectures, excursions and lots of fun!

So what is the English Language, Culture and Society Course all about? It is an intensive English Language Course tailored for small groups (8-12 students) at all levels combined with invaluable insight into the specifics of Danish culture and society introduced via lectures, films, literature and excursions in Denmark. You will learn English language, and understand the Danish culture and society, and experience Denmark together with a group of international students from all over the world. You will live at our traditionally Danish Folk High School during the summer – a small ‘hyggelig‘ and safe environment a short train trip away from Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark.

Read more about the course and apply here


International People’s College
Montebello Allé 1
3000 Helsingør
CVR: 23253410
EAN: 5790002651410

+45 49 21 33 61

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